10 Things to do Outside in Winter

Why not create a winter fun bucket list? Here are a few ideas to get started.

Snow Circle Tag – Stamp a large circle in the snow, then stamp out an “X” dividing that circle into quarters, then another line dividing each quarter once more (you should end up with something that looks like an 8 slice pizza). Stamp a small space in the centre where the lines meet. Choose a person who is “it” to chase and tag the other players, everyone has to stay on the snow paths. A caught player becomes “it” and play continues. For younger children try adding a “safe zone” in the centre where they can rest.

Penguin Slides – Skip the toboggans and find a pile of snow, better yet make one. Slide head first down on your stomach like a penguin.


Nighttime Walk with Flashlights – Early sunsets make winter a great opportunity to go for a walk in the dark with little ones who go to bed too early to experience it in the summer. Grab some flashlights enjoy an after dinner adventure.

Stargazing – Early sunsets and late sunrises make for great opportunities to see the stars with young children. Pick a clear night or morning, and head outside with a blanket. Best viewing is normally a little away from the city, but for little ones who rarely get to see the stars, even your backyard can hold a magical experience.  Just remember that it can take a few minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark, so don’t give up if you don’t see stars immediately.

Scavenger Hunt – Make a scavenger hunt list, or print one of the links below, and add some adventure to a winter walk.

Snow Angels – Lie on your back in the snow and sweep your arms and legs back and forth. The tricky part is standing up without stepping on your creation.

Visit your Favourite Park – The park is just as fun in the winter, and snowsuits make the slides much faster.

Outdoor Skating – London has numerous free outdoor skating rinks. Check out the outdoor rinks at Victoria Park (skate rentals available) and Covent Garden Market. If the weather gets cold enough, check out the free volunteer run rinks at Belvedere Park (65 Victor St.), Norwest Optimist Park (48 Hawthorne Rd.), and University Heights Park (290 Trott Dr.).

Tobogganing – Grab a sled, and test out some of the local hills!  You may find a new favourite location. Invite some friends, and have races to the bottom.

Hopscotch – Use food colouring and water in a squeezable bottle to draw hopscotch squares on the snow. Use snowballs or pine cones as markers.

Written by Tandy Morton, WILD CHILD Playgroup Facilitator