The Magic of Gross Motor Activities for Kids

Have you ever wondered why your children love running, jumping, climbing, skipping and throwing? It’s because these activities are FUN! They are not just ways to get your littles moving, but they are also essential for your children's development.  

Gross motor activities involve the larger muscles of their body and that helps children build their physical strength, flexibility, and overall fitness.  But that is not all.  It is also important because it fosters healthy brain development and those connections that are needed for everyday functions.  Another fun fact about gross motor activities is that it helps children learn coordination, balance and spatial awareness. 

My son loves to move! And with a little bit of trial and error, we have learned together that after a little sweat session and engagement in these types of activities, he has a boost of energy to pay attention to his teachers and perform better at school.  That is pretty amazing! 

So next time your little one is running around, remember they’re not just burning energy - they are building essential life skills. Let’s encourage outdoor play, organized team sports,  and even household chores (Yay! Am i right??) to promote these activities.  After all, in a world filled with screens, let’s not forget the importance of keeping our kids moving! 

Written by Kelly Borden, RECE, Parent Support Coach 

Want to meet new friends and enjoy some gross motor play for FREE? Join Kelly on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3pm at Carling Heights Optimist Community Centre for her MOVE + GROOVE program for parents and their children 0-6 years old. NO registration required. For more program information, please visit our calendar on
