Upcoming Volunteer Opportunity

Childreach is seeking volunteer childminders for our upcoming event, Play: A workshop for parents, on Tuesday, March 28 from 5:30-7:00pm. Volunteers for this role would need to be available from 5pm-7:30pm on March 28, as well as for one half hour orientation to be scheduled in advance on a date that works for you. 

Brief description of the role: As a childminder, you'll play, observe children playing and interacting with resources and materials, soothe children as they transition to childminding and experience different emotions through their visit, and spend time in a busy play space. Childminding will occur in either our ECE staffed playroom or in our Community Room while playgroup is running. There will be resources and materials set up and staff available should you require assistance. As Childminders, you supervise, interact and play with, comfort, and possibly supervise snack for, children in childminding care. If a child is in need of parental care (e.g. diaper change, strong emotions), a Childminder would ask the playroom staff to call or message the workshop facilitator for the child's parent.

If you are interested in volunteering for this role, please email Lara to indicate your interest. We will respond with preliminary questions that can be answered via email or that we can talk about over the phone, and to schedule a time for your volunteer orientation. Please note: adult volunteers will be required to provide a copy of a recent (within six months) Vulnerable Sector Check. 
