WILD CHILD: Embrace the snow

The snow has finally arrived! Now is your chance to follow animal tracks, make snow forts and snow creations, have a snowball fight, jump in a snow bank, head out sledding, and so much more.

So grab your snow gear and head outside. If you find yourself facing challenges you can’t solve just reach out. Here are some of the tips we shared earlier in the season as we hoped for snow:

Damp gear will steal your heat.

Tight gear squishes your body (especially hands and feet) making it hard for your blood to move through those areas to keep you warm.

A warm sweet drink can be a perfect way to boost energy when playing on a cold day.

For more tips on avoiding feeling cold click on the image.

Tips & tricks to get outside: Try snow pants. Keep your legs warm and have fun like a child. 3 images of children playing in snow suits and one of an adult and child sliding down a hill in full snow suits.

Snow pants keep your legs warm and let you have fun like a child.

Children always wear them, but adults often forget them.

Snow pants are a GAME CHANGER. When you aren't worried about wet knees you move more and stay warmer. Adding protection to you legs reduces the heat you lose and your whole body feels warmer.

Try it out, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much happier you feel outside in the cold.

Tips & tricks to get outside: Hit reset by playing outside for 15 minutes. Top image shows a mother and young child looking closely at a snow covered log. Bottom image shows a mother and child lying in a snowy field talking

Hit reset by playing outside for 15 minutes.

When the week is busy or little ones seem grumpy inserting a 15 minute outdoor adventure seems to miraculously change everyone's perspective.

Stay outside for and extra fifteen minutes when you get home this evening, or get dinner going then quickly slip out to embrace the fresh air. Before heading out tomorrow take a few moments to explore the space outside your home.

You may be surprised at how easily you can fit a short adventure into your routine.

Read more about embracing the tiny adventures here.


Avoid Cotton & Dress in Layers.

Stay warm with wool, fleece, and other man-made fabrics. Especially on your feet.

Multiple thin layers keep you warmer than one puffy layer.

Thin layers let you take off extra clothing when you're active (running, climbing, playing) to avoid sweating. When you slow down (snacks, rest) you can put the layers back on to stay warm. Each layer also creates a pocket of insulating warm air.

For more information on dressing for cooler weather click on the image.

Tips & Tricks to get outside: Create special routines. A warm drink after a chilly adventure or a special snack before you start. Image shows a child wearing a hat, scarf, mitts, and woolen sweater drinking hot chocolate out of a colourful mug.

As the weather gets colder create special routines.

Try a warm drink after a chilly adventure or a special snack before you start.

Something small, done every time creates a routine to look forward to and helps on those "I want to stay inside" mornings.