WILD CHILD: Finding Nature Hidden in the City

Getting to a space surrounded by nature every day can be hard, especially when you live in a city. But there is nature everywhere. Taking time to deliberately notice that nature around you is a great way to build those nature connections during days when you are surrounded by the city.

Explore the cracks

Go for a walk around the neighbourhood you call home or wherever you work. Slow down. Watch the ground. What is growing in the cracks? These amazing plants have found ways to adapt to our concrete jungle. They find the smallest patch of sand or soil and begin to grow. These are the toughest and most resilient of our plant friends. On a walk this weekend I spotted broad leafed plantain, dandelions, chicory, vetch, grasses and many others. What can you find on your walk?

Look up

A hawk perches on a lamp post.
3 pigeons perch on the wall on the side of a building. The front pigeon has its wing outstretched.

Just like plants, some birds and animals have adapted to live alongside us in the city. Next time you are out look up. Hawks and owls often perch on lamp posts. They sit so still you can easily miss them. Pigeons huddle along building ledges and several species of birds like to rest on power lines.

Spending time connecting with our natural world has many benefits, even when those plants and animals are in the middle of a built up space. Children are amazing at noticing these hidden opportunities. This week how will you connect with nature every day? Will you explore the crack with your child and look up as you run errands?

Written by Tandy Morton, Wild Child Outdoor Playgroup facilitator