WILD CHILD I Spy Jack-Go-To-Bed-At-Noon

This week in the forest, we spotted tragopogon pratensis commonly referred to as Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon, meadow salsify, showy goat's-beard or meadow goat's-beard.


This pretty flower has bright yellow petals, with long green bracts (the green parts that extend past the petals). It looks a bit like a tall dandelion, but the leaves look more like grass.


It has its first name because the flower normally closes over the morning, so you need to rise early to see it. Goat's beard come from the appearance of the seed head which again resembles a tall dandelion but always seems to stay closed a little longer with the white fluff poking out.


These plants have started flowering, so watch for them this week!

Written by Tandy Morton, WILD CHILD Outdoor Playgroup Facilitator