Wild Child: When wiggling is okay

When you head outside to watch the birds or the squirrels do you find your little wiggler runs through the space scaring away any nearby critters? Mine sure do.

Running, jumping, squealing with delight, and laughing are important parts of being a person big or little. But how can we enjoy the animals with all that energy waiting to have fun?

I have noticed, that after a good play outside my little wigglers start to get quieter, they move slower, and often want a snack. Those are the moments where we look for a ‘snack spot’. A snack spot is a quiet, sheltered place where little wigglers (and this bigger wiggler) can enjoy a quiet snack while watching the creatures around us. Sometimes we’ll sit near water and listen and watch the water birds and waves as we refuel, other times we nestle near a tree and watch the squirrels and other forest animals start venturing out to play.

So next time you head out to play, enjoy the joy and wiggly excitement. Then plan to enjoy a quiet moment at the end of your play watching and listening to the natural world you just explored.

Written by Tandy Morton Wild Child Outdoor Playgroup Facilitator