Spring Exploration: Looking for Evidence of Beavers


It seems that spring has arrived. Now it’s the perfect time to get outside and look for wildlife as it emerges from winter hiding places. Beavers are a great example of wildlife that is easy to spot in the early spring. Look for freshly chewed trees, chips of wood dragged along the ground, and sawn-off parts of trees and branches.


Why not plan a family walk around Hyde Park Stormwater Pond, Powel Drain Wooded Area, Duncairn Pond, or the Stoney Creek Walking Trail!.  See if you can spot fresh and old signs of beavers!

If you would like to learn more about the beavers living in London, along with where the four identified beaver families are likely to be found, and how the city of London is helping to integrate beaver needs with the needs of neighborhoods, then check out this website: https://www.london.ca/residents/Sewers-Flooding/stormwater/Pages/Beaver-Protocol-Pilot-Projects.aspx  

Written by Tandy Morton, Wild Child Program Facilitator