WILD Wednesday: Ready, Set, Go!


Rain, snow, and beautiful bright sunlight. We got it all on our hike at Meadowlily this past weekend. I’m not sure if it’s just my kids, but if there’s ice around they definitely want to race! In this moment they were just coming to the finish line of a big one. India had whispered to me that she was going to let her brother win this time. They both crouched down and said together “ready, set, go!” Off they zipped down the path, little legs just flying. Once they crossed the finish line they high fived and raced right back.

When India decided to let her brother win this race she was demonstrating her empathy, which helps her grow her social domain. Wells was growing his vocabulary as he practised that age-old chant to start a race. Both India and Wells were growing their gross motor skills as they raced down the path together. Not only that, but this kind of activity also gives them a wonderful sense of Belonging as they celebrate each other’s wins. Next time your little one takes off in a race, just remember they are not only growing their muscles but their brains as well!

Written by Abby Dique, Fanshawe ECE Student