WILD CHILD: The Power of Storytelling


Have you ever been on a hike, spotted an amazing wild flower or frog, and snapped a picture to share on Facebook or show your family?  Sharing our stories and experiences with others is such a vital part of building our relationships. It helps us create a shared set of knowledge, memories and experiences, and it makes us feel more connected to those around us.

Children love to tell us their stories, but they don’t normally have a camera handy to snap a picture. Here are some ideas to help children share these precious moments without picking the flower or catching a frog to bring home.

  • Draw a picture, or take a rubbing.

  • Examine the item closely, and discuss how you would describe it together. Think of all the senses.

  • Make up a story about how the animal or plant got there and where it is going next.

  • Let your child take a picture using your phone or camera, or take the picture yourself.  Afterwards, allow them to show the picture or print it for them to share with others.

  • Remember the name of the plant or animal, and make a point to find a book about it or Google it for more information.

Written by Tandy Morton, WILD CHILD Playgroup Facilitator